Affiliated Projects for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment
- Introduction
- The project activities are within the ABoVE Study Domain and will be carried out during the time period of the field campaign (ca 2015 to 2025),
- The project activities address one or more of the Science Questions or Objectives in a significant way,
- The Project participants are willing to meet the obligations of serving on the ABoVE Science Team (see next section), including complying with the ABoVE Data Policy 1, and
- The Project’s sponsor is willing to commit the resources needed to support the activities and obligations of becoming an Affiliated Project.
- Responsibilities of Project Investigators
- Submitting a Proposal
NASA is seeking to establish formal relationships with individual investigators or organizations interested in coordinating ongoing research and monitoring activities with those being sponsored by NASA as part of the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE). These collaborative activities include exchanging information about related research and monitoring activities with ABoVE and/or collaborating on certain aspects of ABoVE. Those individuals or organizations seeking to become an Affiliated Member of the ABoVE Science Team are encouraged to submit a proposal (see section 3 below).
Important characteristics of an Affiliated Project for ABoVE include:
The Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Investigators for each selected Affiliated Project will become members of the ABoVE Science Team, with the expectation that the PI will participate in ABoVE Science Team meetings, help in developing plans to coordinate the research from their project with other ABoVE research, and be responsible for coordinating the activities of the members of their research team with the appropriate activities of other ABoVE projects and working groups. The PI will also be responsible for the project’s adherence to ABoVE data policies and coordinating stakeholder engagement activities.
To be considered as an Affiliated Project of ABoVE, submit a written proposal (download form). In addition to submitting this written proposal, the PI should submit evidence that the sponsor of the research supports their participation in ABoVE. If needed, additional information on individual project elements may be requested.
While NASA is seeking scientists interested in participating in ABoVE based upon research activities that are sponsored by other agencies, there are limitations to the total number of research projects that can be incorporated into ABoVE at a given time, including use of the ABoVE Science Cloud. Because of these limitations, each proposal will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
- Overall relevance of the proposed research to address ABoVE Science Questions and Objectives
- Sponsor’s commitment to supporting project members in ABoVE activities,
- Feasibility of research approach in the context of ABoVE’s resources,
- Feasibility of proposed use of the ABoVE Science Cloud, and
- Expected project contributions to ABoVE.
The proposals will be reviewed by the ABoVE Leadership Group, which includes the Science Teams Leads for ABoVE, the head of the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Office, and representatives from NASA Headquarters. Proposals will be reviewed and decisions made within 30 days after receipt of all needed materials.