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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA's Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment


Data Workflow

The ABoVE science team plans and conducts field work, creates data products, and archives/publishes final data products. The upper half of the workflow shows how to add data into the ABoVE web tools and ORNL DAAC long-term archive; the lower half shows how to discover/download data from these locations.

Step-By-Step Instructions
  1. Conducting and Planning Fieldwork (left column)

    INPUTSites and Measurements
    ABoVE investigators conducting fieldwork should create data collection events using the ABoVE Sites and Measurements Tool. OUTPUTPlanning Tool
    Explore where and when ABoVE investigators are conducting field work.
  2. Create data product descriptions (middle column)

    INPUTCreate Data Products
    All ABoVE investigators should use the ABoVE Project Profile Update Tool to create metadata records describing planned data products for publication, integration, synthesis, and modeling. These will allow investigators to better understand what the various projects are contributing to the overall collaboration. These metadata can be shared with the ORNL DAAC when data products are ready for archiving. OUTPUTProduct Search
    Find descriptions of planned and archived ABoVE data products. Download preliminary data files.
  3. Archive final data products (right column)

    INPUTArchive Data
    Archiving (and thus publishing) data is an essential part of science team membership (see ABoVE Data Policy). All data products created with NASA funding will be archived at a NASA archive center (e.g. ORNL DAAC). Some affiliated projects may also choose to archive data contributed to synthesis activities. OUTPUTData Search and Access
    Find published data across NASA archive centers. Visualize certain products.